Monday, June 30, 2008

musha musha musha

Last night Brandon and I played The Game of Life. It has changed slightly since I was a kid. THERE'S GAMBLING IN IT NOW!! You can bet a certain amount of money on a spin. If you guess correctly you get 10x the amount you bet from the bank. Give it ten years and Drug Dealer will be a career card.

Another great reflection of today's society in the game was the fact that I finished with only one child. I wanted more but I couldn't manage to land on the space. Stupid cardboard fertility.

Well, I didn't really do that much today besides work. I got some reviews done and such and such and that's about it. I bought a high tech fan today, it works really well. And for $30 you can't go wrong because it has a REMOTE CONTROL. I don't even have to get off my fat lazy ass to turn it off, on, or change the speed. ZING.

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