Monday, June 30, 2008

Busy like a Bee bzzzzz

I haven't posted in a while as I've been super busy.

Saturday was my sister's grad and wow, was it ever LONG. There was over 300 kids graduating and they were like...257 and 258 or some shit. It took forever to get to the end. I was secretly hoping that my table would turn into a time machine so I could go to the future and the first 256 kids would be done.

The result of this grad was a blister on my left pinky toe. I received this lovely gift within the first two hours of walking around in heels that were much too high. I didn't have any bandaids so I wrapped a piece of toilet paper around my toe and called it a day. There was less chaffing that way. Chelsea and Rachelle looked really beautiful, I was very proud of them between all the drama moments. Oh and Brandon was super sexy all night because he looked hawt in a suit. Rawr.

Today I went to work from 830-1 and the fucking truck came at like 835. Katie, Jody and I had to try to unload it because there was no one in from inventory until 10. It was definitely a learning experience for me because I had never done it before. The skids of product are very heavy and I got sweaty and gross really fast. Not to mention I was laughing so hard because Katie and I couldn't drive the pumper-ma-thingers to move the skids. One skid fell over in the truck and it was pretty funny. Loud and funny. Loud and funny and dangerous.

Theeeeeen I came back for the meeting at 7pm and it was very productive. I'm going to be sad when I have to leave this store, things are just starting to look good.

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