Tuesday, December 2, 2008


I'm totally obsessed with that show "17 Kids and Counting" about the Duggar family. ITS SO FREAKY. Yet they seem like a very nice family with values and such... that's rare in today's world. It's nice that they raise their kids to not care what other people think, and to teach them to be thrifty. I'm pretty cheap, but I'm no where near thrifty.

I'm so glad to have Meisha Barkton back. She's so cute and cuddly, and I missed her. Poor thing needs a hair cut, she's so fluffy and hot.

I got a new blackberry today! Yay! It's pink, just the way I like it!

Monday, December 1, 2008

I'm a bad blogger

Time to update my blog!!

Vegas was amazing!! Needless to say I have too many stories and not enough time to type them out.

I feel like I have too much to do, and that I'm stretched out... pull any harder and I might snap!! I hate the Christmas season!!