Saturday, June 21, 2008

Another day, another dollar.

I got very little sleep last night.
I had the craziest dreams about tiny little people living all over the the size of cereal pieces. And I would catch them and put them in a tupperware container and get some sort of sick satisfaction out of holding them captive. And one of them was Bender from Futurama. Not going to lie, it was a pretty badass dream if I do say so myself. And I do say so.

And while I was going in and out of little people dreams, my foot was aching most of the night. The lack of sleep combined with an extra large double-double this morning made for a very suprisingly productive day at work when you consider the numbers Todd and I drove at Rep 1. Zero package got done though. Paperwork is so ultra-lame.

Im hungry. I hope I eat delicious food tonight. I had OPA! Soulvaki for lunch and it was sooooo good. I love Greek. Especially fast Greek. THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID LOLZOLZOLZ.

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