Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Here comes Swiffer Sweeper...

Wow. So my Sweep N Vac just finished charging (takes 24 hours and I was too lazy to use it yesterday) and all I can say is FIVE STARS CHIKO! If you don't like easy cleanup or a clean house in general then this is not the product for you.

Brandon and I went for a lovely bike ride this evening. I'm just throwing this out there, but bike rides are fun. If you don't have a bike, you should probably purchase one from somewhere like Wal*Mart or CrappyTire. Don't go to Western Cycle, all their bikes are like a zillion dollars, and we get like...hmmm...4 months of bike weather? Five maybe? So unless you're a snow bird and you spend the other 9 months out of the year in Arizona, a $2000 bike is not necessary. Or...unless you're that biker guy that had cancer and dated Sheryl Crowe...uh...Lance Armstrong? Stupid "LiveStrong" bracelets are so tacky. I'm pretty sure the profits from those bracelets go to the "Lance Armstrong Live Strong and Have Millions of Dollars Fund". Are the tax deductible? I bet they're not!!

Aaaaand that website for my tickets still doesn't work. If it doesn't work by tomorrow I'm going to have to call and yell at some Texans. Yee-haw!

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