Monday, August 4, 2008


We got home yesterday at around 8pm. God damnit, I'm so sick of driving. It's impossible to get comfortable and it's like the 11 hours NEVER end...until they do.

The family reuinion was interesting. I hardly knew anyone. There was a drunk named Tom and he was totally baked out of his mind. I don't know where he fits in with my Mom's side...I think he was one of the bazillion foster kids she had in her house when she was growing up. I think that's what most of the people there were. After the family reunion we had a lot of fun getting wasted with my aunt and other random relatives. Good times...very sort of white trash though. A little TOO white trash if you ask me. But we stayed at the ECONO LODGE so how could we resist? I wish I had my "spicy number" shirt. It had a happy taco on it.

We went shopping today because we had nothing but ichiban soup and pancake mix in the house, and yeah...we spent $185!! shopping for like four weeks. None!

Tonight I made tortellini in a rose sauce with garlic bread and caeser salad for dinner. It was delish. I'm not a chef, I'm just a chick with a lot of pots, pans and knives. Oh and good taste.

OH OH and Brandon and I made a cake. Brandon mixed it and I put it in the oven. I also iced it. Im pretty excited to eat it, but i need to sit off all that pasta. My couch ass groove will assist me with that.

I think I might look into a personal trainer this fall. I just need someone to beat me down and tell me I'm out of shape.

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