Tuesday, December 2, 2008
I'm so glad to have Meisha Barkton back. She's so cute and cuddly, and I missed her. Poor thing needs a hair cut, she's so fluffy and hot.
I got a new blackberry today! Yay! It's pink, just the way I like it!
Monday, December 1, 2008
I'm a bad blogger
Vegas was amazing!! Needless to say I have too many stories and not enough time to type them out.
I feel like I have too much to do, and that I'm stretched out... pull any harder and I might snap!! I hate the Christmas season!!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Monday, November 3, 2008
Sunday, November 2, 2008
I've been really busy. But not in an actual busy sense. Of course I've been working a lot; sometimes six days a week. But my real absence has come from reading. I've been reading the Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer, and I just can't pull away. They're so good. I haven't read a good series in the longest time, and I'm glad this fell into my lap.
On Wednesday I'll be 22. I hate my birthday. I cry every year, because I can't stand the thought of getting old. What happened to 18...19...20...21?!? Where did they go? Every year I look in the mirror and see more lines on my face. It's so sad. I can't bring myself to deal with my age. I feel older than 22...
That number really makes me panic.
In other news, I've lost my toothbrush. I used Brandon's today...shhh don't tell him.
Five days until Vegas. I'm gonna be the happiest person ever when I get on that plane at 6am after getting off work at 11pm and probably not sleeping since we have to be at the airport by three am...I'll try not to be crabby. Maybe Brandon will lend me his lap so I can snooze in the airport.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
I hate ITunes. Yes, I have an IPod. BUT IT WAS FREE. I didn't invest any money into it except $5 for a cute pink silicone case. The IPod works fine, but the software is so frustrating and stupid. I hate it. If I could dropkick ITunes, I would.
9 days until Vegas!! I CANT WAIT TO GO SHOPPING.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Know what really grinds my gears?
So enraging.
I keep asking myself "IS THIS DUMBASS GOING TO TURN"
But he never does. He just keeps on going. So annoying.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Today could be a very bad day for me...
In other news, Brandon and I have found a new residence for the end of November. It is much closer to both our places of employment, and IMO much nicer. I also get my Meisha Barkton back, so I'm very happy. I miss my baby.
The square footage is smaller, but they layout makes more sense. It's not just a crapload of open space everywhere. There's also no dining room, which I appreciate because we don't use our dining room at all. It's got more of a "house" feeling which is what I want. AND I DONT HAVE TO CARRY $200 WORTH OF GROCERIES UP THREE FLIGHTS OF STAIRS ANYMORE. BOO-YA. It's usually 2 or 3 trips.
In 21 days I turn 22.
In 23 days I go to Vegas.
And today I lose my soul to the devil.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Saturday, October 4, 2008
I just watched The Last Kiss
It's actually a really depressing movie. I don't agree with it at all. It never really justified itself.
If anything, you shouldn't watch it because the message basically is "you can sleep with other women and she'll take you back".
I'm deleting it off my PVR as we speak. It's crap.
So I went to see EMMA, my sister's new yorkie puppy.
I wish Meisha was still a puppy!!

And she was so naughty!!! Haha.
I remember the time she jumped on the toilet seat cover, and then jumped on to the bathroom counter and stole my toothbrush. Ohhh the memories. And she used to steal toilet paper out of the bathroom too.
She's a good girl now :)
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Monday, September 29, 2008
I remember when we moved into this place last year, we found a lot of dead ladybugs when we were cleaning up. THEY'RE BACK, JUST LIKE THE FUCKING POLTERGIEST.
Today was an uneventful day, and I'm quite certain I am losing my mind. Only 38 days until Vegas. I can't wait. Seriously, I just want to say GOODYBE CANADA, HELLO VEGAS. And I will say that in 38 days.

Saturday, September 27, 2008
I wanna bake cookies real bad
Here's my FAV chocolate chip recipe:
2 1/4 cups flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon salt
1 cup butter, softened
3/4 cup white sugar
3/4 cup firmly packed brown sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 eggs
1 - 12 ounce package (or 2 cups) semi-sweet chocolate chips
1 cup chopped nuts (optional, but so good, I use almonds)
Preheat oven to 375°.
In a small bowl, combine the flour, baking soda and salt. Set aside for a minute.
In a large bowl, combine butter, white sugar, brown sugar, and vanilla. Beat until the mixture is creamy. Beat in the eggs. Gradually add in the flour mixture. Stir in the chocolate chips and nuts.
Drop the cookie mixture by the tablespoonful on an ungreased cookie sheets. Bake for 9-11 minutes, until golden brown.
This recipe makes about 5 dozen 2 1/4" cookies.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Hello, My name is Mallory.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
I am happy he didn't suffer, and I know he was ready and he accepted that he might not survive the surgery. All the same, I'm so sad he's gone. And sad for my Grandma, my Mom, my aunts. I couldn't imagine losing one of my parents.
Its hard to not cry when everyone around you is sobbing.
I made a powerpoint for his funeral at the last minute. I'm glad I did it. It was just pictures and bible passages. I didn't know until I had finished it that I had picked one of his favorite. Very interesting.
The other day after my Grandpa passed, my uncle Donald had to buy a new cell phone. He erased everything off the old one and switched to the new one. When he turned the new phone on, he had two voice mails that weren't there before. One was from my Grandpa, and it said "hello son, I'm home". That made me happy. I don't know whether it's authentic or not...could be a glitch in the phone. But I want to believe it's supernatural. I want Grandpa to be happy.
Download this song...super awesome.
If The Brakeman Turns My Way
Bright Eyes
Cassadaga (2007)
When panic grips your body and your heart's a hummingbird.
Raven thoughts blacken your mind until you're breathing in reverse.
All your friends and sedatives mean well, but make it worse.
Every reassurance just magnifies the doubt.
Better find yourself a place to level out.
Got a cricket for a conscience always looks the other way.
A cocaine soul starts seeming like an empty cabaret.
Hey, where have all the dancers gone? Now the music doesn't play.
Tried to listen to the river, but you couldn't shut your mouth.
Better take a little time to level out.
I never thought of running.
My feet just led the way.
Mixed up signals.
Bullet train.
Cars are switched out in the crazy rain.
I could meet you any place.
If the brakeman turns my way.
All this automatic writing I've tried to understand,
From a psychedelic angel who was tugging on my hand.
It's an infinite coincidence, but it doesn't form a plan.
So I'm headed for New England or the Paris of the south.
Gonna find myself somewhere to level out.
Are your brothels full, oh Babylon, with merry middlemen?
Never peer out of their periscopes from those deep opium dens.
All this death must need a counterweight always someone born again.
First a mother bathes her child then the other way around.
The scales always find a way to level out.
I tired to pass for nothing,
But my dreams gave me away.
Mixed up signals.
Bullet train.
People snuffed out in the brutal rain.
I could live to any age,
If the brakeman turns my way.
It is an old world, it's hard to remember,
Like a dime store mystery.
I'm a repeat first time offender,
Who has rewritten history.
Mixed up tea leaves.
Phantom pain.
Fuzzy logic in the crazy rain.
Getting better every day.
If the brakemen turns my way.
Mixed up signals.
Bullet train.
Cars are switched out in the blinding rain.
He'll be smiling as he seals my fate,
When the brakemen turns my way.
Happy Sunday everyone. Back to work tomorrow.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Dear Grandpa
Everyone misses you, but in your passing we will celebrate your amazing 87 years of life. You were a strong, intelligent man. You survived WWII and made a home for so many children. Your heart was so big and generous, guided by God and Jesus.
You are gone physically, but you'll always be with us in our hearts. I know we'll see each other in the very distant future, and I hope you find peace in everlasting life.
Grandma misses you dearly, but I promise we'll take good care of her.
I love you. Rest in peace and enjoy the eternal joys you have so prominently earned.
PS- I will always think of you when I hear The Teddy Bear's Picnic, eat peaches, and swim in the Okanogan.
On the way...
I hate funerals :(
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Precious in the sight of the LORD [is] the death of his saints.
Psalms 116:15
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Promises promises
The Liberals are calling for a "regulation" of gas prices. Sounds like another empty Liberal promise to me. How many times did the Liberal party say they were going to do something while they were in the Federal Office, and never followed through? All I recall is the party spending a lot of money, and I didn't see any of it. OH YEAH IT CREATED A DEBT.
I think Harper's platform is a little more realistic. Call me an Albertan, but he really HAS followed through with lowering the G.S.T. He can't promise he can lower gas prices, because *news flash*, it's out of his control. But he CAN lower G.S.T. again.
Wait a second, wasn't it the Liberals who created G.S.T.?
They'll "regulate" gas prices by bringing the G.S.T. back up.
And don't get me started on Jack Layton. Puuh-lease. Yes, he has a mighty moustache. I'll give him that much, but the NDPs would destroy Canada in much the same way as they did with British Columbia back in the day. We'll all be shitting in compost piles because flushing the toilet would be using too much water.
I've also been following the American election. Wow, is that DRAMA or what? Sarah Palin is fierce. She's about as smart as a dung beetle and funny as hell to watch when she's in a debate. She speaks of abolishing sins, SHE'S A WALKING SIN.
It's Black VS White... Woman VS Man...
Only one minority will be victorious.
I can't wait to see the outcome of this election. It's going to be dramatic.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Say Yes to the Dress
Being a wedding dress consultant would be way more fun than selling electronics. But I'd have to deal with bitchy women, and I get enough of that at work.
Women think that if they're bitches, I'm gonna cave, and they'll get their way. Oh no. I KNOW YOUR GAME, I'VE PLAYED IT. It does not work. I'm more inclined to make exceptions to genuinely nice people rather than fake jerks.
Lesson of the day: Being a bitch/asshole in a retail store does not get you what you want. If anything, it gets you less.
As of MONDAY, I have an entire Ops team!!!! THREE seniors, a sup...YAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!! SO HAPPY!!
Sunday, September 7, 2008
TeleToon Retro
I just watched The Smurfs.
Now I'm watching oldschool Alvin and the Chipmunks. I love it.
I just made a smoothie with frozen mixed berries, fat free vanilla yogurt, 1% milk, soy protein powder and ground flax seed. It's not bad. I'm trying to ease into the Abs Diet for Women. 15g of protein in one glass is pretty swell! Not to mention the 8g of fibre too!! Good for ze poopin.
Friday, September 5, 2008
I hope my benefits program covers going crazy
I can't even sleep.
I just feel this pressure on my chest.
I just want to dissapear for a while.
I feel cramped. I have too much stuff. I need a bigger closet...too many clothes. None of which I wear. FJDSHAKFDKSA!!!
My back hurts.
I just want to have a good day. I can't wait until everything is back to normal. NOLAN, HURRY UP AND SAVE ME. IM STRESSING SUPER BAD.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
When I came home from work today, Brandon was already cooking dinner! YAY! I love it when my boo cooks. Sometimes it's nice to just...not have to cook. Don't get me wrong, I love cooking...especially on my days off. But after 9hrs of work, I don't want to do anything.
Stephen Harper has these intense ad campaigns out right now, and they seem kind of fake to me. I wonder if he feels as though he's losing ground in today's suffocating economy. You know it's a good day when gas is at 122.9. I def filled up that day.
My life is so boring.
So boring.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Two days off isn't enough
So today Brandon and I went to see Hamelt 2. It was alright. Jo Blo gave it 9/10, but I honestly don't think it was anything THAT good. It was more of a slapstick humor, which I'm really not a big fan of. Gotta love that Sexy Jesus song, though.
Speaking of Jesus, I've really been contemplating religion lately. I've been trying to wrap my head around a couple of things...hmm how to I put this correctly. I was thinking about the Mormon religion, because it's one of those religions that I don't understand. Well that's not fully true. I understand what they believe, but I don't understand how anyone COULD believe it.
Ok, so if you don't really know a lot about the Mormon religion, you can Google search it or Wikipedia Search it...I'll try to do my best to explain *what I don't understand* without butchering the religion.
Mormonism was founded by a man named Joseph Smith. Joseph had visions, starting at the age of 14. When he went to his minister to explain these visions, he was basically told that visions did not exist, and that there would be no more of them, and that they were of the devil. During his youth, he participated in Treasure Hunts using "seer stones". These stones were put into hats and then one would look inside the hat and block out the light, then attempt to locate the treasure by seeing information on the stone. They were just ROCKS, but I would assume that they had some sort of personal significance.
Smith claimed that he was visited by an angel named Moroni, who told him the location of a book inscibed on golden plates that was buried in the ground. This book would tell the story of the "Israelites" of America and how God dealt with them. So, Smith dug up these golden plates and used his hat and his seer stones to translate them. ONLY Smith was allowed to translate the plates and view them.
And there you have it, from there stemmed the Mormon religion and everything else that follows.
So, when a Mormon knocks on my door and asks me if I'd like to learn and join the following of their chuch...IT TAKES SO MUCH OF MY PERSONAL STRENGTH NOT TO GRAB THEM BY THE SHOULDERS AND SHAKE SOME SENSE INTO THEM.
But I can explain this homemade religion phenomenon. That's right.
In today's society, people follow other's mostly because they're famous. Think about it...how many big rock bands have huge "religious" followings? How many celebrities have their own convect of people? In order to make something of yourself you have to be known, you have to be famous. We do it today with movies and music and political statements, etc etc.
So how do you do it in the 1700s?
YOU MAKE UP YOUR OWN RELIGION!! People believe it, you gather followers...Joseph Smith is forever burned into history. He was a 1700s rock idol.
...Sorry if I offended anyone. BUT MAYBE I CHANGED YOUR BELIEFS!!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
I need to commit more...
Hero's season 2 just came out on DVD yesterday. Brandon and I are waiting until Friday to watch it so we can power through.
There's really nothing going on. My life is boring. I can't blog about things that happen at work because most of it is confidential. But I am 19 on the scorecard, and that's nothing less than sweet.
I'm gonna eat some food.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Anyway, here's my douche bag story of the day:
George Laroque came into the store yesterday and bought 2 movies and a Coke Zero. He doesn't even wait for his subtotal, he just throws $50 at a random cashier and says "thanks" and walks out. Turns out the total is $52. He is now officially a douche bag.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
A Summary of My Day at Work
Customer Service Rep: "A customer wants to talk to a manager at the bridge."
Me: "Ok"
2 minutes later...
Me: "HI! How can I help you?"
Customer: "YOU'RE the manager?"
Me: "...Yes." *points at nametag*
Customer: "Well then. I want to talk to YOUR manager!"
Me: "I am the only manager you can talk to."
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
The Holiday
I know, it's not nearly close to Christmas...but a girl needs a little TV romance in her life once and a while. I don't really have a lot to write about lately...
We went to Montana's tonight. It was good, but it wasn't GREAT or AMAZING. I don't know if I would go back. I think my problem is that I just LOVE italian food. Nothing compares to a good carb loaded pasta.
I'm getting my hair done tomorrow. It shall be fabulous...and I need it.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Work is making blogging a lot harder. I'm so tired after a 10hr day I don't want to type ANYTHING.
It's still an organ harvesting communist country. They probably threaten their athletes with death if they don't win gold. Maybe Canada should try that.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
I am at work.
And I'm off in 19 minutes...ish.
Im sooo freaking tired. My fingers hurt. AND THIS STUPID HEADCOUNT BOARD IS ONLY HALF DONE. :(
Thursday, August 7, 2008
I had a dream last night...
My dreams are the shit.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Back to work
I suck at eating well. I just ate a huge piece of cake. OMG that damn cake is so good. Then I had some edam cheese. We bought a huge ball of it, and I must say it smells kind of like feet...but doesn't taste like feet. I guess that's the thing with cheese. It stinks but it tastes delicious.
Speaking of delicious, the Activia yogurt is really good!! It's also really good for your pooping too.
God I'm so hungry. I haven't eaten since 230. Besides the cake and the cheese and the yogurt...I better slow down. Anyone know a good personal trainer?
Monday, August 4, 2008
My Talking Stain
Now there was a tide-to-go contest...here's some entries.
The family reuinion was interesting. I hardly knew anyone. There was a drunk named Tom and he was totally baked out of his mind. I don't know where he fits in with my Mom's side...I think he was one of the bazillion foster kids she had in her house when she was growing up. I think that's what most of the people there were. After the family reunion we had a lot of fun getting wasted with my aunt and other random relatives. Good times...very sort of white trash though. A little TOO white trash if you ask me. But we stayed at the ECONO LODGE so how could we resist? I wish I had my "spicy number" shirt. It had a happy taco on it.
We went shopping today because we had nothing but ichiban soup and pancake mix in the house, and yeah...we spent $185!! Haha...no shopping for like four weeks. None!
Tonight I made tortellini in a rose sauce with garlic bread and caeser salad for dinner. It was delish. I'm not a chef, I'm just a chick with a lot of pots, pans and knives. Oh and good taste.
OH OH and Brandon and I made a cake. Brandon mixed it and I put it in the oven. I also iced it. Im pretty excited to eat it, but i need to sit off all that pasta. My couch ass groove will assist me with that.
I think I might look into a personal trainer this fall. I just need someone to beat me down and tell me I'm out of shape.
Friday, August 1, 2008
i cant remember what day it is
We went to Kelowna (my future home as soon as Best Buy opens a Kelowna store) and shopped around. We saw the X-Files movie which was totally creepy in an awesome way. Its been ho-hum weather these past couple of days but it sure beats Deadmonton.
Oh yeah and we won $5 via lotto 6/49. Yay!
Today at 1130am we decided "we're getting drunk!"...and drunk we got. We went back to that Pasta place for lunch and drank 2 pitchers of Sangria ($32), each had lunch ($25), an appetizer (best $5 ever) and dessert ($7, tirimasu cheese cake!!) Which after taxes and tip came to like $75!! Bling bling.
Needless to say I was wasted. What's a great activity for drunkards? SHOPPING AT LIQUIDATION WORLD!! We bought a 7ft tall wooden giraffe!!
Then we came back to the hotel, and uh, slept. Slept off all that booze.
We were going to go parasailing and we wanted to go tandem, but the combined weight for tandem "right now" is 280lbs. Well uh, I'm a burly 127lbs and brandon is around 185ish...no dice.
Now we're getting ready to go get drunk again. AGAIN!!! Last night in Penticton and off to Merritt tomorrow for the family *gulp* reuinion...yay...there's maybe a handful of people there that I actually know.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Day 6
Brandon won this time. For realzies I sucked. I only got one hole-in-one.
Then we went back to the beach and built a super bad-ass sand castle. By the time that was done it was like 7pm.
We've bascially eaten nothing but shit all day and now I feel like shit. Tomorrow I will just eat produce.
We also did some crosswords AND the sweet-ass discount store sells 15 glowstick braclets for $2.49 so I bought 90. I think I'm going to go back and buy more though...they'll make good PRP prizes at work. There's nothing like blending in with a new crowd by handing out glow sticks. You can put more than one together and make necklaces, belts, etc! They're super fun. If 934 can't appreciate glow sticks I'm out of ideas.
I wish I could barf right now. Then I'd feel better.
We didn't go parasailing today, it was too windy. Hopefully tomorrow will be better!!
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Day 5 i think
And I think its day 5
Today was rainy so Brandon and I went to get more wine. $60 dollars worth to be exact. Blackberry is hard when you're drunk. Anyway. We tried to go to Kelowna but the hiway was all gay and backed up again and we were like fuck that and then we turned around and went for ice cream.
There was an evening farmers market and Brandon bought me magnetic pearls. They're supposed to increase blood circulation and blah blah blah. I hope they work. Brandon bought a magnetic manclet. Aka a man braclet. Its sexy. It made me want him more.
Peeeeaaceee soon its time for food. I'm gonna breath my gouda cheese and garlic sausage breath on people bwahaha.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Day 4
Today we spent more time at the beach. Brandon is looking less like Lobster Boy and more like a bronze god.
Then we went to mini golf! Brandon let me win. I also got a hole-in-one which won us a free game so we can go back and have really annoying "four-and-a-half" year olds dance around us the whole time. Like really ADD. I seriously wanted to smack this kid.
I might explode right now.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Day 3, 3pm-ish
Then we went to three vineyards for wine tasting. There's like 50 of them within the area. We bought wine from 2 out of the three. It was a lot of fun.
Now we just need to decide whether we're going to the beach again or heading somewhere else...
We're going to parasail sometime this week!! I'm super excited.
And we're sooooo burnt haha. Skin cancer here we come.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Day 2!
We checked in and threw our crap in our room and hit the beach. Then we walked around, took some photos, ate a really shitty hot dog and some mini donuts, and went to bed.
Today we've already been to the beach for about 4hrs and we've got some pretty rad color. Brandon is starting to look like Lobster Boy.
Being on vacation is all about relaxing. We had ice cream for breakfast at the farmers market, and fresh BC cherries for lunch. You can't beat fruit directly from the source.
We just came back from Safeway. We have a mini fridge so besides stocking it with booze, we figured we'd buy some food too!
Friday, July 25, 2008
Day 1, 12pm BC time
We stopped at Mt Robson and I finally saw the peak for once. It was pretty exciting.
I wanna go pick cherries!!
Day 1, 6:58am, welcome to skidson
I think for two punk kids we're making pretty good time. If we don't stop, GPS says we'll be there at 3:33pm. I wish I had one of those pee bottle contraptions.
Vacation, Day 1, 5:42am
The GPS and the Ipod are plugged in, we have lots of foods and drinks...I think this will be a good trip. Nothing really exciting to note yet.
Oh and when I get back from vacation I'm at the south store. To all my 933 peeps, I didn't abandon you, it wasn't optional nor my choice. I'll miss everyone so much!!
Edson: 150km
Road asshole count: 1
Thursday, July 24, 2008
In honor of all the babies being born...
Well I have to be up at 415 am, so keep watching the blog for updates whenever I can make them given the probability that I won't have service for half the trip!!
We're on the road at 5am sharp!! It's a 12 hour drive so we can't afford to not be on schedule! I still want to have time to swim in the Okanogan. IM SO PUMPED. I haven't been on vacation since September. Last year.
I will keep everyone updated via Blackberry.
I bought a Garmin Nuvi 260 and it's so amazing! It speaks street names. I laugh every time I use it. It's going to be so delightful this entire trip. We won't ever get lost.
Anypoo.. I should start packing!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
le sigh
Im really sad.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Dark Knight
But it was a clapper.
I HATE when people clap at the end of movies.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Really busy with work, and really busy TRYING to catch up on my sleep.
In summation, the FY09 Operations Summit was a lot of fun, but VERY exhausting. We didn't have a lot of free time, but I guess when you get paid to go to Toronto you can't complain.
We flew out at 8am, and arrived about 1:15 Ontario time. From there we ditched the bus guy and crammed into Hazel's rental car on an adventure to find our hotel. Once there we bitched about being roomed with complete strangers and got settled in. We walked around downtown Toronto and at around 7pm left for our "FUN ACTIVITY" which turned out to be a "cruise" on the lake. I've never been on a cruise WHERE THE POWER GOES OUT. TWICE. After our dinner cruise we went for drinks with our district manager, and then did the old room-switcheroo. I got lucky and my room mate ditched me, so Katie and I got to room together in the end. The next morning we woke up and checked out of the hotel at around 730 am. We went to Timmys and then sat through an afternoon of conferences and workshops where we were rewarded with 4gb IPOD nanos. It was swell. After the conference we clamored on to a stinky charter bus which took us back to the airport. Since we had four hours to kill we ate delicious airport food and got our nails done. Then it was a hop on a plane where I was sorrounded by a trifecta of screaming and crying children for the four hour flight home. The end.
Yesterday I bought $150 in clothes in preparation for Penticton. I'm so excited!! I had to change our reservation slightly today because the family reunion that was in Summerland has moved to Merritt. So now we're spending one night there at the Ramada. I should probably see some of my family, its been two years.
Ana's 21st birthday pub crawl was last night. Brandon and I had a lot of fun! Brandon doesn't remember the last bit of the night...which doesn't much matter because it was pretty uneventful. We got home safe and that's all that matters.
Anypoo, its 10:37 and I work at 6am which means I have to be up for 4:45. I've got to be bright and chipper for the conference call.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
You have to be kidding me.
Where's my candle?!
Our fun activity's lights just went out
F I'm tired.
Ooooo!! The boat is back on. Poo I thought we'd get to go back to the hotel.
I wanna drink.
Fun activity
im the first one at the airport!
Monday, July 14, 2008
I'll keep updating via blackberry.
I need to go to bed, but two episodes of boy meets world are still transfering on to my blackberry. Sigh.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
I am just tired
The itinerary is tight. Of course that's not going to stop us ladies and gent from GETTIN WASTED. I hope I can drink during our "FUN ACTIVITY". Oh god I'm going to be so tired this week. When I go back to work on Thursday I have to work 1-11. Gah.
I got a new flat iron today. ITS AMAZING.
RIP Babyliss 2000.
In the garbage you go.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Water floaties
We even went to Toys R Us and were met with the same shitty selection.
I'm a little upset. I had to settle for something I really didn't want. I HATE TO SETTLE. I always get what I want, and when I don't get it I get mad.
We had dinner at Chilies tonight. I honestly was not impressed with the menu. Usually I see something I REALLY want, and I didn't see anything. I hate to settle again. What's wrong with life today?
My flight to Toronto is at 8am on Tuesday...which means I have to be there at like 6:15am. Which means I'll have to get up at like 4am. This sucks. I can't even sleep on the plane, because I'll never hear the end of it if I sleep with my mouth open and like, drool all over my district manager or something.
Energy drinks and coffee here I come. Coffee better be free on the plane. I've never flown Air Canada before because they suck so much, but this time I didn't have a choice because it's all expenses paid...so who am I to judge?
My fish are smart...
Its kind of cute.
I'm not going to lie, I get a sort of sick satisfaction out of feeding my fish. I like having something small and helpless being dependant on me. I also like knowing that they're silent and don't make noise, and I can take a vacation and not worry about WHO'S GOING TO FEED THE FISH, WHO'S GOING TO TAKE CARE OF THE FISH. They're fish. I got 6 for $20.
OH and it's partial water change day. Hooray...
Friday, July 11, 2008
Pizza Soup - Crockpot Style
- 1 Jar (approx 350ml) of pizza sauce
- 1 cup of diced tomatoes OR 1 cup of canned tomatoes
- 1 cup of mushrooms (you can dice them or leave them whole in case you have picky mushroom eaters, or omit them altogether if you want)
- One half of a large green pepper, diced
- One half of a red onion (they're actually purple), diced
- 1 cup (or more if you want!) pepperoni, sliced
- 1 cup cooked italian sausage, removed from casing and crumbled
- 1 tbsp olive oil
- 4 cups of water
- 1 small pack of fresh or frozen tortellini (I used Oliverei three cheese and herb) or any type of pasta you want, just dont use too much or it will turn into a stew.
- 1 tbsp oregano
- 1 tbsp basil
- 1 tbsp parsley
- 1 clove of garlic, finely minced
- grated mozzarella cheese
- grated parmesean cheese
Set on high for 3-4 hours or low for 5-6 hours. Stir about every hour.
Serve Pizza Soup in individual bowls with a generous portion of mozza cheese and parmesean cheese on top. YAY DELISH.
Other than cooking, I cleaned the floors today. WHOPPEE MY LIFE IS SO EXCITING.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Didn't Honey Nut Cheerios used to have little tiny specs of nuts on them WAAAAY back in the day? Because I remember looking at the box when I was a kid and wondering what they taste like, especially those little specs of nuts. Maybe im a ho-ass-ho and just crazy.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Ricotta and Spinach Stuffed Chicken Breasts.
But seriously. I can cook, so I thought I could start sharing some recipes on here. This is what I made for dinner tonight...
Stuffed chicken breasts may SEEM like a lot of work, but really they're relatively easy. You're going to need about 20 minutes for prep time, and an hour of cook time. I serve mine with Roasted Baby Potatoes, and the recipe for that follows this one.
- 5 boneless, skinless chicken breasts -thawed.
- 4 cups fresh, chopped spinach or 2 packs of thawed and drained chopped frozen spinach
- 2 cloves of garlic, finely chopped
- 500g of light ricotta cheese
- 2 eggs
- 1/2 cup of Parmesan cheese (I use light)
- 1 cup of shredded mozzarella cheese
- 2 tbsp dried parsley
- 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil or vegetable oil
- salt and pepper to taste
In a medium sized bowl, combine ricotta cheese, eggs, Parmesan cheese, mozzarella cheese, parsley and garlic. Fold in spinach until it is well incorporated into mixture. Set filling aside.
Take your chicken breast and butterfly fillet it. If you don't know how to do this, watch the video below.
Once your chicken breast has been "butterflied", place it in a large ziplock freezer bag or between two sheets of saran wrap. Using a meat mallet (if you don't have one, you can use a hammer, just be gentle) and pound the chicken breast to thin it out. You want to make it thin enough to stretch around the filling, but not so thin that you put multiple holes in it. If you DO put holes it it, it's okay as ricotta cheese is very dense.
Scoop approximately 3/4 cup of filling on to each flattened and butterflied chicken breast and roll the chicken around the filling so both ends of the chicken overlap and make a "package".
Spray a shallow baking dish with pam and place the stuffed chicken breasts within it. Brush each stuffed chicken breast with EVOO, salt and pepper, and sprinkle a generous amount of Parmesan cheese on top. Bake for one hour uncovered. When the chicken is finished baking let it stand for about ten minutes before serving.
- 10 baby potatoes per person (or more depending on who you're feeding)
- 1 tsp extra virgin olive oil
- 1 tbsp rosemary
- 1 clove of finely minced garlic
- 1/2 tsp of chili flakes
- 1 tbsp dried parsley
- salt and pepper to taste
In an large bowl toss all of the listed ingredients together. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper (easy clean up!) and spread potatoes on baking sheet. Bake for 1hr. Let stand for 10 minutes. Potatoes will appear shiny and wrinkly and will POP! in your mouth.
If you're making both of these dishes together you can put them in the oven at the same time! How convenient.
Honey Nut Cheerios
Really, it wasn't that amazing and I wasn't missing much. It tasted like Cheerios with sugar and milk. HOW SUPERB AND MIND BLOWING.
I do enjoy the jingle though...
So I have today off, and I'm not really sure what I'll do. Maybe I make some more origami. It's only one of my most favorite hobbies ever.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Fish pictures!
Monday, July 7, 2008
We bought 6 Silver Tipped Tetras and a sucker fish.
I like sucker fish.
I want more.
They're so silly. They chase each other around.
I'll post pictures later, I'm sleepy.
Sunday, July 6, 2008
I can smell your fish from here
Now we just need FISH and some more plants, as well as a backdrop. We're gonna let it cure for a day or two before we stock it. Gotta let all those chemicals seep in nice and good. I would like to buy some real underwater plants too. That would be super keen.
Saturday, July 5, 2008

Brandon and I are going to go shopping today so we have summer clothes. It should be stimulating.
Yesterday was my last day punching a punchclock EVER. It's going to be hard to break the habit... OR IS IT? YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
I am also very tired, so no entry for yew.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
I almost cried, but then I thought about it and was like "fuck that, they're robots".
I can wait to get my own minature Wall E.
Shot Down
So (like I predicted), Tila chooses the chick, because obviously choosing the guy last time didn't work out. And (ahahaha) Christy totally rejects her!! Tila says goodbye to the guy who is TOTALLY in love with her, has no doubts about their relationship...and chooses the girl who previously admitted to being "scared" and "uncertain". Then the ending consists of her crying and being all "WHY WON'T ANYONE LOVE ME".
Can someone please link Tila Tequila to my blog, so she can finally have her answer?
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
I was gonna go to the fireworks
Will she choose Boe, the somewhat funny looking sensitive dude that has two earrings (which looks totally faggy), or that other blonde chick Christy who has big tits and a big ass? I think she'll choose a girl this time because men always let her down.
One day I too will be loved for only my appearance.
Monday, June 30, 2008
musha musha musha
Another great reflection of today's society in the game was the fact that I finished with only one child. I wanted more but I couldn't manage to land on the space. Stupid cardboard fertility.
Well, I didn't really do that much today besides work. I got some reviews done and such and such and that's about it. I bought a high tech fan today, it works really well. And for $30 you can't go wrong because it has a REMOTE CONTROL. I don't even have to get off my fat lazy ass to turn it off, on, or change the speed. ZING.
Busy like a Bee bzzzzz
Saturday was my sister's grad and wow, was it ever LONG. There was over 300 kids graduating and they were like...257 and 258 or some shit. It took forever to get to the end. I was secretly hoping that my table would turn into a time machine so I could go to the future and the first 256 kids would be done.
The result of this grad was a blister on my left pinky toe. I received this lovely gift within the first two hours of walking around in heels that were much too high. I didn't have any bandaids so I wrapped a piece of toilet paper around my toe and called it a day. There was less chaffing that way. Chelsea and Rachelle looked really beautiful, I was very proud of them between all the drama moments. Oh and Brandon was super sexy all night because he looked hawt in a suit. Rawr.
Today I went to work from 830-1 and the fucking truck came at like 835. Katie, Jody and I had to try to unload it because there was no one in from inventory until 10. It was definitely a learning experience for me because I had never done it before. The skids of product are very heavy and I got sweaty and gross really fast. Not to mention I was laughing so hard because Katie and I couldn't drive the pumper-ma-thingers to move the skids. One skid fell over in the truck and it was pretty funny. Loud and funny. Loud and funny and dangerous.
Theeeeeen I came back for the meeting at 7pm and it was very productive. I'm going to be sad when I have to leave this store, things are just starting to look good.
Friday, June 27, 2008
Here's my advice. Always pay in the jewellery section, because no matter how long the line is, there is NEVER a line there, and always someone in attendance.
We blew like...hmmm...$170 on random shit. Everything from board games like Battleship and The Game of Life to toothpaste. Wal*Mart has everything.
I EVEN BOUGHT A NEW SHOWER CURTAIN! It's hideous. It has fish all over it. This time we spent $7. Hopefully this one lasts longer.
Yup, big day tomorrow yup
Brandon and I were going to go to Wall-E tonight, but now I think we're just going to go to Wal*Mart, which is equally acceptable. That's right, going to Wal*Mart is as fun as going to the movies. Wal*Mart is everyone's one-stop shop for EVERYTHING. If you can't find it at Wal*Mart, it doesn't exist, or it's gone extinct. Trust me, I wish I could buy a T-Rex at Wal*Mart. Are my *'s becoming annoying?
I need two new shower curtains. They're both ripped. That's what happens when I cheap out and buy $4.99 shower curtains. I originally intended on buying my shower curtains at Dollarama but NOOOO they don't sell shower curtains. WTF I thought they had "everything" for a dollar?! So I had to get my shower curtains at Wal*Mart. I bet if Dollarama sold shower curtains, they would be made out plastic wrap, and every time you stepped out of the shower they would cling to you.
I also wish Dollarama sold toilet paper. It would probably be made out of thin cardboard, but it would be a dollar instead of ten dollars. Every penny counts. And in such an instance, you just dab. Don't wipe.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Get Smart
This film has a lot of obvious typecasting in it, but it still does the job. In conclusion, you'd be not very smart if you failed to see Get Smart.
In other news today, Brandon and I also went to the Olive Garden. Now normally I wouldn't blog about where I go out to eat on a regular basis, but OHMYGOD, I saw the
In all seriousness, it was deeper than the Grand Canyon. Deeper than the Marianas Trench. It literally made me LOL and puke in my mouth a little. And right after Brandon saw it his glass of Sprite went all over the table. Well that was more like 10 minutes later, but the symptons of Camel Toe Exposure tend to make themselves evident post glance.
Moo, says the camel-cow hybrid.
I'm now an Operations Manager in training effective July 7, and I'm so fucking happy you don't even know!! And excited!! Zomg.
Big thanks to everyone who helped me get this far and have supported me at work, as well as outside of work, I really appreciate it!! I love you guys!!
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Did you hear about the new spray on condoms? Talk about sexy. "Just a moment baby, I gotta spray on my condom" *SHAKE SHAKE SHAKE* *spray noise* aaaaaaaaaaaaand you're limp.
HAHA I guess a girl couldn't put that on with her mouth either.
Condoms are stupid in general.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Objects in the rearview mirror may appear closer than they are...
So I thought I'd share some MEATLOAF, because it's epic.
I like this video, it has Angelina Jolie in it. And the song is amazing.
Enjoy. I know I do. Every day. In my car.
Monday, June 23, 2008
I can't wait to sleep until like 11 tomorrow to catch up on all the lack of sleepingness I've had lately. I'm finally home from work and now I'm gonna make Angus burgers and salad and chill with my boo for the rest of the night. No matter how crappy I feel, Brandon always makes it better.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
The World of Bodies
My favorite exhibit was the one dedicated to pregnancy/childbirth. They had embryos at different stages of development as well as fetuses, and a woman with a baby inside her. Although the display was very contreversial, it was tastefully done. Some pics (not my own, no cameras allowed) below:

And there was a lot of dead people penis.
They also had cross sections of obese people. It was really gross and it looked like giant pieces of bacon.
In conclusion, if you don't take this chance to go now, you'll miss out on an AWESOME exhibit. SO GO.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Another day, another dollar.
I had the craziest dreams about tiny little people living all over the place...like the size of cereal pieces. And I would catch them and put them in a tupperware container and get some sort of sick satisfaction out of holding them captive. And one of them was Bender from Futurama. Not going to lie, it was a pretty badass dream if I do say so myself. And I do say so.
And while I was going in and out of little people dreams, my foot was aching most of the night. The lack of sleep combined with an extra large double-double this morning made for a very suprisingly productive day at work when you consider the numbers Todd and I drove at Rep 1. Zero package got done though. Paperwork is so ultra-lame.
Im hungry. I hope I eat delicious food tonight. I had OPA! Soulvaki for lunch and it was sooooo good. I love Greek. Especially fast Greek. THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID LOLZOLZOLZ.
Friday, June 20, 2008
I have to be at work at 8am tomorrow.
I'm gonna get like zero sleep tonight. And the Tim Hortons on my way to work has been shut down for some mysterious reason....hmmm so that's what the green stuff on my bagel was...
Body Worlds!!
On Sunday at 1:30 I will be entering into awesomeness. I'm sooo excited.
Be Kind Rewind
In other news, starting on Sunday I have a whole new team in my department. Two brand new seniors that are going to help the department rock the house!! We're gonna kick ass and take names!! AAAAND My OMIT interview is on Thursday next week. WISH ME LUCK!! :)
Well I better get on the phone and call those ticket people. I'm still trying to get my Body World's tickets fixed. Fuckers.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
I don't get it
Jk, I'm not "tall" enough to ride that ride. You must be at least "financially stable" to ride. Hopefully I'll be there soon, if all goes well in the next couple of weeks *fingers crossed!!*.
In other news, it is reported that Jamie Lynn Spears had her baby. Another successful teenage pregnancy brings more trash into the world. Someone should jihad that entire family and rid the world of their stupidity and ignorance.
Must go watch Be Kind Rewind now. Will comment after.
And turns out I can post on my blog from my blackberry. From work. Shazam. But I'm on lunch for serious. I'm a good employee.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Here comes Swiffer Sweeper...
Wow. So my Sweep N Vac just finished charging (takes 24 hours and I was too lazy to use it yesterday) and all I can say is FIVE STARS CHIKO! If you don't like easy cleanup or a clean house in general then this is not the product for you.
Brandon and I went for a lovely bike ride this evening. I'm just throwing this out there, but bike rides are fun. If you don't have a bike, you should probably purchase one from somewhere like Wal*Mart or CrappyTire. Don't go to Western Cycle, all their bikes are like a zillion dollars, and we get like...hmmm...4 months of bike weather? Five maybe? So unless you're a snow bird and you spend the other 9 months out of the year in Arizona, a $2000 bike is not necessary. Or...unless you're that biker guy that had cancer and dated Sheryl Crowe...uh...Lance Armstrong? Stupid "LiveStrong" bracelets are so tacky. I'm pretty sure the profits from those bracelets go to the "Lance Armstrong Live Strong and Have Millions of Dollars Fund". Are the tax deductible? I bet they're not!!
Aaaaand that website for my tickets still doesn't work. If it doesn't work by tomorrow I'm going to have to call and yell at some Texans. Yee-haw!
Naked Skinned People
I hate when things don't work. It better be up soon, I didn't waste $60 on nothing.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Somewhere Out There...
What kind of camp doesn't have hot dogs?
Despite the lack of hot dogs and an open fire, I still had a lot of fun. Although, for some reason the air conditioner came on near the end of the seminar even though we were in one of the basement conference rooms...needless to say my feet were very cold. Flipflops + air conditioner = cold toes a'la rue.
The sky is getting VERY DARK outside. I'm a little excited. I'm hoping for a great show so I can take some pictures. I <3 THUNDERSTORMS. I just hope it doesn't last too long, as Brandon and I need to get groceries today or we might start eating the drywall. All we have in the house is stove top stuffing...WE DONT EVEN HAVE CEREAL.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Thou who stands near the bus will'st eventually be thrown underneath...
I also purchased a Swiffer Sweep N Vac so my Swiffer Wet Jet could have a friend. Together they will be the ultimate clean team! I'm so awesome.
I have "Camp Complete Solution" tomorrow, I'm pretty excited. I get to wear capris and sandals, and that's a total no-no in Best Buy land. It's so wrong, yet it feels so right. I MUST PAINT MY TOENAILS IN CELEBRATION.