Last night Brandon and I played The Game of Life. It has changed slightly since I was a kid. THERE'S GAMBLING IN IT NOW!! You can bet a certain amount of money on a spin. If you guess correctly you get 10x the amount you bet from the bank. Give it ten years and Drug Dealer will be a career card.
Another great reflection of today's society in the game was the fact that I finished with only one child. I wanted more but I couldn't manage to land on the space. Stupid cardboard fertility.
Well, I didn't really do that much today besides work. I got some reviews done and such and such and that's about it. I bought a high tech fan today, it works really well. And for $30 you can't go wrong because it has a REMOTE CONTROL. I don't even have to get off my fat lazy ass to turn it off, on, or change the speed. ZING.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Busy like a Bee bzzzzz
I haven't posted in a while as I've been super busy.
Saturday was my sister's grad and wow, was it ever LONG. There was over 300 kids graduating and they were like...257 and 258 or some shit. It took forever to get to the end. I was secretly hoping that my table would turn into a time machine so I could go to the future and the first 256 kids would be done.
The result of this grad was a blister on my left pinky toe. I received this lovely gift within the first two hours of walking around in heels that were much too high. I didn't have any bandaids so I wrapped a piece of toilet paper around my toe and called it a day. There was less chaffing that way. Chelsea and Rachelle looked really beautiful, I was very proud of them between all the drama moments. Oh and Brandon was super sexy all night because he looked hawt in a suit. Rawr.
Today I went to work from 830-1 and the fucking truck came at like 835. Katie, Jody and I had to try to unload it because there was no one in from inventory until 10. It was definitely a learning experience for me because I had never done it before. The skids of product are very heavy and I got sweaty and gross really fast. Not to mention I was laughing so hard because Katie and I couldn't drive the pumper-ma-thingers to move the skids. One skid fell over in the truck and it was pretty funny. Loud and funny. Loud and funny and dangerous.
Theeeeeen I came back for the meeting at 7pm and it was very productive. I'm going to be sad when I have to leave this store, things are just starting to look good.
Saturday was my sister's grad and wow, was it ever LONG. There was over 300 kids graduating and they were like...257 and 258 or some shit. It took forever to get to the end. I was secretly hoping that my table would turn into a time machine so I could go to the future and the first 256 kids would be done.
The result of this grad was a blister on my left pinky toe. I received this lovely gift within the first two hours of walking around in heels that were much too high. I didn't have any bandaids so I wrapped a piece of toilet paper around my toe and called it a day. There was less chaffing that way. Chelsea and Rachelle looked really beautiful, I was very proud of them between all the drama moments. Oh and Brandon was super sexy all night because he looked hawt in a suit. Rawr.
Today I went to work from 830-1 and the fucking truck came at like 835. Katie, Jody and I had to try to unload it because there was no one in from inventory until 10. It was definitely a learning experience for me because I had never done it before. The skids of product are very heavy and I got sweaty and gross really fast. Not to mention I was laughing so hard because Katie and I couldn't drive the pumper-ma-thingers to move the skids. One skid fell over in the truck and it was pretty funny. Loud and funny. Loud and funny and dangerous.
Theeeeeen I came back for the meeting at 7pm and it was very productive. I'm going to be sad when I have to leave this store, things are just starting to look good.
Friday, June 27, 2008
Here's my advice. Always pay in the jewellery section, because no matter how long the line is, there is NEVER a line there, and always someone in attendance.
We blew like...hmmm...$170 on random shit. Everything from board games like Battleship and The Game of Life to toothpaste. Wal*Mart has everything.
I EVEN BOUGHT A NEW SHOWER CURTAIN! It's hideous. It has fish all over it. This time we spent $7. Hopefully this one lasts longer.
Here's my advice. Always pay in the jewellery section, because no matter how long the line is, there is NEVER a line there, and always someone in attendance.
We blew like...hmmm...$170 on random shit. Everything from board games like Battleship and The Game of Life to toothpaste. Wal*Mart has everything.
I EVEN BOUGHT A NEW SHOWER CURTAIN! It's hideous. It has fish all over it. This time we spent $7. Hopefully this one lasts longer.
Yup, big day tomorrow yup
Tomorrow is the little sisters' (plural) grad. It's going to be a long ass day. A long ass long ass day.
Brandon and I were going to go to Wall-E tonight, but now I think we're just going to go to Wal*Mart, which is equally acceptable. That's right, going to Wal*Mart is as fun as going to the movies. Wal*Mart is everyone's one-stop shop for EVERYTHING. If you can't find it at Wal*Mart, it doesn't exist, or it's gone extinct. Trust me, I wish I could buy a T-Rex at Wal*Mart. Are my *'s becoming annoying?
I need two new shower curtains. They're both ripped. That's what happens when I cheap out and buy $4.99 shower curtains. I originally intended on buying my shower curtains at Dollarama but NOOOO they don't sell shower curtains. WTF I thought they had "everything" for a dollar?! So I had to get my shower curtains at Wal*Mart. I bet if Dollarama sold shower curtains, they would be made out plastic wrap, and every time you stepped out of the shower they would cling to you.
I also wish Dollarama sold toilet paper. It would probably be made out of thin cardboard, but it would be a dollar instead of ten dollars. Every penny counts. And in such an instance, you just dab. Don't wipe.
Brandon and I were going to go to Wall-E tonight, but now I think we're just going to go to Wal*Mart, which is equally acceptable. That's right, going to Wal*Mart is as fun as going to the movies. Wal*Mart is everyone's one-stop shop for EVERYTHING. If you can't find it at Wal*Mart, it doesn't exist, or it's gone extinct. Trust me, I wish I could buy a T-Rex at Wal*Mart. Are my *'s becoming annoying?
I need two new shower curtains. They're both ripped. That's what happens when I cheap out and buy $4.99 shower curtains. I originally intended on buying my shower curtains at Dollarama but NOOOO they don't sell shower curtains. WTF I thought they had "everything" for a dollar?! So I had to get my shower curtains at Wal*Mart. I bet if Dollarama sold shower curtains, they would be made out plastic wrap, and every time you stepped out of the shower they would cling to you.
I also wish Dollarama sold toilet paper. It would probably be made out of thin cardboard, but it would be a dollar instead of ten dollars. Every penny counts. And in such an instance, you just dab. Don't wipe.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Get Smart
Brandon and I went to see Get Smart tonight. It was quite entertaining and quite long. To quote Brandon, "I felt like I just came out of Titanic". Yet this film was not so "OMG I WANNA CRY FOR DAYS THATS SO SAD!!! WHY DID ROSE LET GO??!!?"
This film has a lot of obvious typecasting in it, but it still does the job. In conclusion, you'd be not very smart if you failed to see Get Smart.
In other news today, Brandon and I also went to the Olive Garden. Now normally I wouldn't blog about where I go out to eat on a regular basis, but OHMYGOD, I saw the
In all seriousness, it was deeper than the Grand Canyon. Deeper than the Marianas Trench. It literally made me LOL and puke in my mouth a little. And right after Brandon saw it his glass of Sprite went all over the table. Well that was more like 10 minutes later, but the symptons of Camel Toe Exposure tend to make themselves evident post glance.
Moo, says the camel-cow hybrid.
This film has a lot of obvious typecasting in it, but it still does the job. In conclusion, you'd be not very smart if you failed to see Get Smart.
In other news today, Brandon and I also went to the Olive Garden. Now normally I wouldn't blog about where I go out to eat on a regular basis, but OHMYGOD, I saw the
In all seriousness, it was deeper than the Grand Canyon. Deeper than the Marianas Trench. It literally made me LOL and puke in my mouth a little. And right after Brandon saw it his glass of Sprite went all over the table. Well that was more like 10 minutes later, but the symptons of Camel Toe Exposure tend to make themselves evident post glance.
Moo, says the camel-cow hybrid.
I got mother-fucking promoted today!! YAY!!
I'm now an Operations Manager in training effective July 7, and I'm so fucking happy you don't even know!! And excited!! Zomg.
Big thanks to everyone who helped me get this far and have supported me at work, as well as outside of work, I really appreciate it!! I love you guys!!
I'm now an Operations Manager in training effective July 7, and I'm so fucking happy you don't even know!! And excited!! Zomg.
Big thanks to everyone who helped me get this far and have supported me at work, as well as outside of work, I really appreciate it!! I love you guys!!
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
I had Trex dreams all last night. I dreamt it was holding me and Heather captive in my old house on Nowrie in Hinton. We'd try to escape and it would chase us down the street. If we would hide it would find us. It tried to eat us! It was scary to say the least. And 911 was NO HELP at all. I called and the lady on the other line was Latino. My dreams are screwed up.
Did you hear about the new spray on condoms? Talk about sexy. "Just a moment baby, I gotta spray on my condom" *SHAKE SHAKE SHAKE* *spray noise* aaaaaaaaaaaaand you're limp.
HAHA I guess a girl couldn't put that on with her mouth either.
Condoms are stupid in general.
Did you hear about the new spray on condoms? Talk about sexy. "Just a moment baby, I gotta spray on my condom" *SHAKE SHAKE SHAKE* *spray noise* aaaaaaaaaaaaand you're limp.
HAHA I guess a girl couldn't put that on with her mouth either.
Condoms are stupid in general.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Objects in the rearview mirror may appear closer than they are...
I don't have a lot of anything to blog about today. Had a good day at work, pretty standard.
So I thought I'd share some MEATLOAF, because it's epic.
I like this video, it has Angelina Jolie in it. And the song is amazing.
Enjoy. I know I do. Every day. In my car.
So I thought I'd share some MEATLOAF, because it's epic.
I like this video, it has Angelina Jolie in it. And the song is amazing.
Enjoy. I know I do. Every day. In my car.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Today was crap.
I can't wait to sleep until like 11 tomorrow to catch up on all the lack of sleepingness I've had lately. I'm finally home from work and now I'm gonna make Angus burgers and salad and chill with my boo for the rest of the night. No matter how crappy I feel, Brandon always makes it better.
I can't wait to sleep until like 11 tomorrow to catch up on all the lack of sleepingness I've had lately. I'm finally home from work and now I'm gonna make Angus burgers and salad and chill with my boo for the rest of the night. No matter how crappy I feel, Brandon always makes it better.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
The World of Bodies
Brandon and I went to Body Worlds today. It was pretty cool. I got to hold a liver - one that was normal and another that was all screwed up. The plasticine models were really neat. You have to wonder who got the pleasure of stripping their muscle away from their bones, and putting different body parts in different positions. Totally screwed up if you think about it too long.
My favorite exhibit was the one dedicated to pregnancy/childbirth. They had embryos at different stages of development as well as fetuses, and a woman with a baby inside her. Although the display was very contreversial, it was tastefully done. Some pics (not my own, no cameras allowed) below:

They're all real bodies. They even had stages of pregnancy starting at like one week. It was just a tiny spec of cells floating in a tube. IT WAS CRAZY. Brandon wants to go back and walk it again when the hype dies down, as it was VERY busy in there and you almost feel rushed/closterphobic.
And there was a lot of dead people penis.
They also had cross sections of obese people. It was really gross and it looked like giant pieces of bacon.
In conclusion, if you don't take this chance to go now, you'll miss out on an AWESOME exhibit. SO GO.
My favorite exhibit was the one dedicated to pregnancy/childbirth. They had embryos at different stages of development as well as fetuses, and a woman with a baby inside her. Although the display was very contreversial, it was tastefully done. Some pics (not my own, no cameras allowed) below:

And there was a lot of dead people penis.
They also had cross sections of obese people. It was really gross and it looked like giant pieces of bacon.
In conclusion, if you don't take this chance to go now, you'll miss out on an AWESOME exhibit. SO GO.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Another day, another dollar.
I got very little sleep last night.
I had the craziest dreams about tiny little people living all over the the size of cereal pieces. And I would catch them and put them in a tupperware container and get some sort of sick satisfaction out of holding them captive. And one of them was Bender from Futurama. Not going to lie, it was a pretty badass dream if I do say so myself. And I do say so.
And while I was going in and out of little people dreams, my foot was aching most of the night. The lack of sleep combined with an extra large double-double this morning made for a very suprisingly productive day at work when you consider the numbers Todd and I drove at Rep 1. Zero package got done though. Paperwork is so ultra-lame.
Im hungry. I hope I eat delicious food tonight. I had OPA! Soulvaki for lunch and it was sooooo good. I love Greek. Especially fast Greek. THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID LOLZOLZOLZ.
I had the craziest dreams about tiny little people living all over the the size of cereal pieces. And I would catch them and put them in a tupperware container and get some sort of sick satisfaction out of holding them captive. And one of them was Bender from Futurama. Not going to lie, it was a pretty badass dream if I do say so myself. And I do say so.
And while I was going in and out of little people dreams, my foot was aching most of the night. The lack of sleep combined with an extra large double-double this morning made for a very suprisingly productive day at work when you consider the numbers Todd and I drove at Rep 1. Zero package got done though. Paperwork is so ultra-lame.
Im hungry. I hope I eat delicious food tonight. I had OPA! Soulvaki for lunch and it was sooooo good. I love Greek. Especially fast Greek. THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID LOLZOLZOLZ.
Friday, June 20, 2008
I have to be at work at 8am tomorrow.
I'm gonna get like zero sleep tonight. And the Tim Hortons on my way to work has been shut down for some mysterious reason....hmmm so that's what the green stuff on my bagel was...
I'm gonna get like zero sleep tonight. And the Tim Hortons on my way to work has been shut down for some mysterious reason....hmmm so that's what the green stuff on my bagel was...
Body Worlds!!
On Sunday at 1:30 I will be entering into awesomeness. I'm sooo excited.
On Sunday at 1:30 I will be entering into awesomeness. I'm sooo excited.
Be Kind Rewind
Well, not really my kind of movie. It was funny in a cute sort of way. I liked the parts where they re-made the movies, because the items they used to recreate popular scenes were very creative. I give it a "meh" for storyline and two thumbs up for creativity. Worth a rental, but I wouldn't spend the $23 to purchase it.
In other news, starting on Sunday I have a whole new team in my department. Two brand new seniors that are going to help the department rock the house!! We're gonna kick ass and take names!! AAAAND My OMIT interview is on Thursday next week. WISH ME LUCK!! :)
Well I better get on the phone and call those ticket people. I'm still trying to get my Body World's tickets fixed. Fuckers.
In other news, starting on Sunday I have a whole new team in my department. Two brand new seniors that are going to help the department rock the house!! We're gonna kick ass and take names!! AAAAND My OMIT interview is on Thursday next week. WISH ME LUCK!! :)
Well I better get on the phone and call those ticket people. I'm still trying to get my Body World's tickets fixed. Fuckers.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
I don't get it
Everyone is getting married and having babies... Did I blink and miss some sort of grown-up boat? Like where do I get tickets for this ride?
Jk, I'm not "tall" enough to ride that ride. You must be at least "financially stable" to ride. Hopefully I'll be there soon, if all goes well in the next couple of weeks *fingers crossed!!*.
In other news, it is reported that Jamie Lynn Spears had her baby. Another successful teenage pregnancy brings more trash into the world. Someone should jihad that entire family and rid the world of their stupidity and ignorance.
Must go watch Be Kind Rewind now. Will comment after.
Jk, I'm not "tall" enough to ride that ride. You must be at least "financially stable" to ride. Hopefully I'll be there soon, if all goes well in the next couple of weeks *fingers crossed!!*.
In other news, it is reported that Jamie Lynn Spears had her baby. Another successful teenage pregnancy brings more trash into the world. Someone should jihad that entire family and rid the world of their stupidity and ignorance.
Must go watch Be Kind Rewind now. Will comment after.
There's nothing worse than sitting through a supervisor meeting that you HAVE to attend and halfway through having to pee. Oh god did I ever have to pee. Important things were being said, and all I heard was running water and toilets with wings flushing.So I had to peace and go to ze washroom. It was like a shitty public washroom.
And turns out I can post on my blog from my blackberry. From work. Shazam. But I'm on lunch for serious. I'm a good employee.
And turns out I can post on my blog from my blackberry. From work. Shazam. But I'm on lunch for serious. I'm a good employee.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Here comes Swiffer Sweeper...
Wow. So my Sweep N Vac just finished charging (takes 24 hours and I was too lazy to use it yesterday) and all I can say is FIVE STARS CHIKO! If you don't like easy cleanup or a clean house in general then this is not the product for you.
Brandon and I went for a lovely bike ride this evening. I'm just throwing this out there, but bike rides are fun. If you don't have a bike, you should probably purchase one from somewhere like Wal*Mart or CrappyTire. Don't go to Western Cycle, all their bikes are like a zillion dollars, and we get like...hmmm...4 months of bike weather? Five maybe? So unless you're a snow bird and you spend the other 9 months out of the year in Arizona, a $2000 bike is not necessary. Or...unless you're that biker guy that had cancer and dated Sheryl Crowe...uh...Lance Armstrong? Stupid "LiveStrong" bracelets are so tacky. I'm pretty sure the profits from those bracelets go to the "Lance Armstrong Live Strong and Have Millions of Dollars Fund". Are the tax deductible? I bet they're not!!
Aaaaand that website for my tickets still doesn't work. If it doesn't work by tomorrow I'm going to have to call and yell at some Texans. Yee-haw!
Wow. So my Sweep N Vac just finished charging (takes 24 hours and I was too lazy to use it yesterday) and all I can say is FIVE STARS CHIKO! If you don't like easy cleanup or a clean house in general then this is not the product for you.
Brandon and I went for a lovely bike ride this evening. I'm just throwing this out there, but bike rides are fun. If you don't have a bike, you should probably purchase one from somewhere like Wal*Mart or CrappyTire. Don't go to Western Cycle, all their bikes are like a zillion dollars, and we get like...hmmm...4 months of bike weather? Five maybe? So unless you're a snow bird and you spend the other 9 months out of the year in Arizona, a $2000 bike is not necessary. Or...unless you're that biker guy that had cancer and dated Sheryl Crowe...uh...Lance Armstrong? Stupid "LiveStrong" bracelets are so tacky. I'm pretty sure the profits from those bracelets go to the "Lance Armstrong Live Strong and Have Millions of Dollars Fund". Are the tax deductible? I bet they're not!!
Aaaaand that website for my tickets still doesn't work. If it doesn't work by tomorrow I'm going to have to call and yell at some Texans. Yee-haw!
Naked Skinned People
I just bought advance tickets for Body Worlds. BUT THE WEBSITE TO COLLECT THEM AND PRINT THEM OFF ISNT WORKING. WTF?!
I hate when things don't work. It better be up soon, I didn't waste $60 on nothing.
I hate when things don't work. It better be up soon, I didn't waste $60 on nothing.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Somewhere Out There...
...The cutest little girl ever sings her heart out. OMG I want to steal this child, she is adorable.
What kind of camp doesn't have hot dogs?
Camp Complete Solution, that's what!
Despite the lack of hot dogs and an open fire, I still had a lot of fun. Although, for some reason the air conditioner came on near the end of the seminar even though we were in one of the basement conference rooms...needless to say my feet were very cold. Flipflops + air conditioner = cold toes a'la rue.
The sky is getting VERY DARK outside. I'm a little excited. I'm hoping for a great show so I can take some pictures. I <3 THUNDERSTORMS. I just hope it doesn't last too long, as Brandon and I need to get groceries today or we might start eating the drywall. All we have in the house is stove top stuffing...WE DONT EVEN HAVE CEREAL.
Despite the lack of hot dogs and an open fire, I still had a lot of fun. Although, for some reason the air conditioner came on near the end of the seminar even though we were in one of the basement conference rooms...needless to say my feet were very cold. Flipflops + air conditioner = cold toes a'la rue.
The sky is getting VERY DARK outside. I'm a little excited. I'm hoping for a great show so I can take some pictures. I <3 THUNDERSTORMS. I just hope it doesn't last too long, as Brandon and I need to get groceries today or we might start eating the drywall. All we have in the house is stove top stuffing...WE DONT EVEN HAVE CEREAL.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Thou who stands near the bus will'st eventually be thrown underneath...
Today was a very productive day. I say that because I cleaned my entire condo. Normally I don't have the desire for such endeavors, but with nothing else to do I decided to tackle the job. The renos are FINALLY done. We have new floors (which I think are ugly, but beggers can't be choosers, and I didn't pay for them so nyah), and new baseboards. We also sucked our landlord into getting us a new stove. The kicker is the cheap asshole only paid $1/sq ft for our laminate and got it from IKEA. I'm basically waiting for it to rot away underneath me. Check out the new diggs:

I also purchased a Swiffer Sweep N Vac so my Swiffer Wet Jet could have a friend. Together they will be the ultimate clean team! I'm so awesome.
I have "Camp Complete Solution" tomorrow, I'm pretty excited. I get to wear capris and sandals, and that's a total no-no in Best Buy land. It's so wrong, yet it feels so right. I MUST PAINT MY TOENAILS IN CELEBRATION.
I also purchased a Swiffer Sweep N Vac so my Swiffer Wet Jet could have a friend. Together they will be the ultimate clean team! I'm so awesome.
I have "Camp Complete Solution" tomorrow, I'm pretty excited. I get to wear capris and sandals, and that's a total no-no in Best Buy land. It's so wrong, yet it feels so right. I MUST PAINT MY TOENAILS IN CELEBRATION.
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